Suicide Assessment & Management: An Overview for Clinicians Working with Individuals and Families
Available 24/7,
Entirely online!
This 6-hour, on-demand workshop is designed to meet the requirements of KRS 210.36 and provides 6 hours of suicide assessment training for marriage and family therapists, social workers, and licensed professional counselors. With a mixture of videos, case studies, and reflections, this workshop covers (a) prevalence of and terminology related to suicidal thoughts and behavior, (b) the basics of suicide risk assessment, (c) how to manage your own anxiety around the topic of suicide, and (d) how to determine the appropriate responses based on clients' needs.
Hosted by the Northstar Counseling Center & Northstar Learning Lab
Suicide Assessment for Clinicians Working with Individuals & Families
March 20, 2024
Live & Virtual
The workshop is designed to meet the requirements of KRS 210.36 and provides 6 hours of suicide assessment training for psychologists. With a mixture of experiential exercises, case studies, and reflections, this workshop covers (a) prevalence of and terminology related to suicidal thoughts and behavior, (b) the basics of suicide risk assessment, (c) how to manage your own anxiety around the topic of suicide, (d) how to determine the appropriate responses based on clients' needs, and (e) how to use safety planning during the treatment process.
Hosted by the Kent School of Social Work & Family Science
The Campus Community & Beyond: Building Social Connectedness & Belonging for Students
April 1, 2024
Live, In-Person
This presentation will take place as a plenary at the 2nd Annual West Virginia Collegiate Suicide Prevention Conference in Huntington, WV. Student connectedness and belonging are key factors in student success and a key protective factor against suicide risk among college students. This invited plenary will review research on evidence-based strategies to increase connectedness and belonging and focus on efforts across various U.S. universities to implement these strategies. We will also discuss not only professional efforts from various units on college campuses but also peer-led efforts and strategies for including families outside of college campuses.
Hosted by Marshall University
Tips for Family Therapy with Depressed and Suicidal People
April 1, 2024
Live, In Person
This presentation will be an afternoon workshop at the 2nd Annual West Virginia Collegiate Suicide Prevention Conference in Huntington, WV. We will review techniques for including family members in treatment for depression and suicidal ideation or behavior. After attending this presentation, attendees will be able to list three strategies for increasing family involvement in treatment for depression and suicidality.
Hosted by Marshall University
Examples of Past Events
May 2020
Suicide Assessment for Clinicians Working with Individual & Families
This online training covered key components for mitigating suicide risk. Participants learned (a) to screen for self-harm behavior and suicide risk; (b) to recognize a systemic perspective of suicide that highlights the role of family members, friends, and treatment providers; and (c) to understand their scope of practice and where to refer individuals if needed. This workshop met requirements of KRS 210.36 for MFTs, social workers, and professional counselors.
Northstar Counseling Center
Hosted by
October 2019
Ethics of Helping Suicidal People Within their Family Systems
Many professionals misunderstand reporting requirements for self-harm, and this misunderstanding can sometimes damage rapport with suicidal clients. This training clarified mandatory reporting for self-harm and how to manage confidentiality when working with youth, adults, and their families. Through discussion, case examples, and interactive exercises, participants learned how to address ethical dilemmas while maintaining AAMFT Code of Ethics standards.
KY All-in-One Conference, Northstar Counseling Center
Hosted by
March 2020
1-Day Focus on Involving Family in Treatment for Suicide Risk
Whether working with youth or adults, we have all seen how family dynamics can either help or hinder suicidal feelings. Often, family members desperately want to help but not know how. This training gave participants the tools to address common challenges faced by suicidal individuals and their family members. Participants left with a better understanding of suicide risk, what family members can do, and tip sheets for talking directly with individuals and their families.
Center for Family & Community Well-Being
Hosted by
September 2019
Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) Gatekeeper Training
QPR is designed to teach lay and professional "gatekeepers" the warning signs of a suicide crisis and how to respond. Gatekeepers are anyone who is strategically positioned to recognize someone at risk of suicide (e.g., parents, friends, teachers, coaches, police officers). The process follows three steps: (1) Question the individual's desire or intent regarding suicide, (2) Persuade the person to seek and accept help, and (3) Refer the person to appropriate resources.
University of Louisville, School of Nursing in Owensboro
Hosted by
November 2019
Addressing Family Dynamics for Suicidal Patients
The aim of this conference is to expand participant’s knowledge and skills in the treatment of mood and personality disorders. This specific presentation provided an overview of emerging research on the role of family dynamics in suicide risk. Tips and techniques were discussed to help family members assist someone struggling with a suicide crisis. Appropriate for physicians, psychiatrists, nurses, mental health professionals, family members, and other support persons.
University of Louisville's Depression Center Conference
Hosted by
September 2019
NAVIGATE: Family Navigation for Suicide Risk
This training gives professionals the tools they need to address common challenges faced by suicidal individuals and their family members. Participants leave understanding suicide risk, what family members can do, and tip sheets for talking directly with individuals and their families. This covered (a) the basics of suicide risk assessment, (b) individual and family factors linked to risk, and (c) ways to adapt treatment to support families experiencing a suicidal episode.
Center for Family & Community Well-Being
Hosted by